Frequently asked questions

Have a question? We’ve got you!

  • 01

    When can I start to take ​​Cimidona®?

    You can start using Cimidona® as soon as you start to experience menopausal symptoms.

  • 02

    Who can take Cimidona®?

    Cimidona® is for adult women experiencing menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, trouble sleeping, mild joint pains, and headaches.

    If these sound familiar, Cimidona® might be something to consider for relief. Learn more about Cimidona® here.

  • 03

    What is the natural ingredient in Cimidona®?

    Cimidona® contains the ​​​​naturally sourced ingredient: Ze 450, an exclusive extract of Actaea racemosa, also known as Black cohosh. This extract has been clinically proven to be effective in relieving menopausal symptoms during all stages of menopause.

    Learn more here.

  • 04

    How does Cimidona® work?

    Cimidona®'s Ze 450 (Actaea racemosa extract) works in a fascinating way. Studies indicate it could interact with receptors in the brain linked to processes like body temperature regulation (in the case of hot flashes and night sweats).

  • 05

    Is Cimidona® estrogenic?

    Research indicates that Actaea racemosa, present in Cimidona®, might function as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), mimicking estrogen without directly exerting estrogenic effects. 

  • 06

    Is Cimidona® likely to interact with other medications?

    Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) has been shown in several human clinical trials to have no clinically important effects on multiple metabolic enzymes. However, there is a potential concern for interactions with certain transporters in the liver, which could reduce the effectiveness of such drugs as amiodarone, fexofenadine (Allegra), glyburide, and many statin medications. 

    If you're currently using HRT/MHT (hormone replacement therapy/menopause hormone therapy), it’s best to consult your healthcare provider before taking Cimidona®.

    If you have concerns about using Cimidona® alongside other medications, talk to ​​your healthcare provider.

  • 07

    What are the warnings, precautions, and contradictions to the use of Cimidona®?

    ​​​​​It is ​​recommended to reach out to a healthcare professional if: 1) your symptoms persist or worsen, and 2) if you have a liver disorder or start experiencing symptoms related to liver issues. 

    Additionally, Cimidona® isn't meant for and isn't advised during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

  • 08

    Can I use Cimidona® when pregnant or breastfeeding?

    Cimidona® is specifically designed for women dealing with menopausal symptoms. It's not meant for or recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

  • 09

    Does Cimidona® contain lactose?

    Each Cimidona® tablet contains 44mg lactose.

  • 10

    Does Cimidona® contain any allergens?

    Cimidona® contains no added gluten, wheat, yeast, soy, artificial flavours, colours, or sweeteners. 

  • 11

    Will Cimidona® affect liver function in any way?

    Cimidona®, containing the Ze 450 extract, is generally well-tolerated based on ​​​​clinical studies and has in general been safely used since 2005. 

    Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if have a liver disorder or develop symptoms of liver trouble.

  • 12

    Should I stop taking Cimidona® before surgery?

    It is recommended that​​​​ you discuss this with your healthcare team, including your doctor, anaesthetist, and surgeon. They can address any concerns you might have regarding your surgery.

  • 13

    Can I still drive and use machines when taking Cimidona®?

    Cimidona® has no known adverse effects on the ability to drive or use machines.

  • 14

    For how long will I have to take Cimidona®?

    Menopausal symptoms may improve within 6 weeks of starting Cimidona®, with best results expected after 3 months of use and continued improvement shown over 9 months.

  • 15

    What do I do if I forget a dose?

    If it’s within 8 hours of your next scheduled one, it's okay to skip the missed dose. Just take the next one when it's due.  

    Otherwise, take the dose and continue with your regular schedule. Never double up on doses to make up for a missed one. 

    If keeping track of your medicine schedule is tricky, your healthcare professional can give you some helpful advice.

  • 16

    Where can I find Cimidona®?

    You can easily find Cimidona® at most pharmacies and retailers since it's available over the counter. Click here for Where to Find Cimidona.®